1) Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential).

- The feedback i got was to stop defining words and just get straight into explaining it. I also got told that i need to learn the exam techniques on how to answer the questions properly.

- WWW: question 1 and 2 are solid mid-level answers so you are not far away. With some work on exam technique i’m confident you’ll soon be moving into higher level marks/ grades. 

- EBI: question 3 is the real weakness here: question focus and genre theory needed. In all Media questions, don’t spend time saying what theories-just apply to the text. We’ll be looking at social and cultural contexts in class.

- LR: see blog

2) Read the mark scheme for this assessment carefully. Identify at least one potential point that you missed out on for each question in the assessment.

- Judicious use of theoretical framework.

- Knowledge and understanding of social and cultural contexts.

- Knowledge and understanding of influences of genre in media.

3) Read this exemplar response from a previous Year 12 (an A grade) - note this was a slightly different paper in terms of the question wording and also had an additional question 4 (we've updated it to better reflect recent exams). Identify at least one potential point for questions 1-3 from this student's paper that you could have mentioned in your assessment. 

- Success of sci-fi genre has allowed producers to earn large amounts of money.

4) Did you get any media terminology or theory wrong in the assessment? Make a note of it here for future revision, including theories/terminology that you could have used but didn't.

- Influences of genre.

5) Identify your weakest question and write three bullet points that would improve on your original response. Use the mark scheme and exemplar paper to identify these points - particularly focusing on the anticipated content and the top level descriptors.

- My weakest question was Q3, I could’ve included:

- influences of genre 

- subject terminology

- effective examples


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