1) Analyse this RBK 50 Cent advert using the media codes you learned in the lesson: Technical, Written or verbal, Symbolic or non-verbal, Narrative. Write a paragraph for each one exploring the way meanings are created using those media codes.

Technical - The image shows isolation and independence showing he may have achieved success on his own. The lighting has darkness and shadowing but it also focuses on the scar on his shadow which could make us question what happened to him. The shot has a medium close up of his face to show emotion and intensity.

Symbolic - 50 Cent's facial expression is serious, uncompromising and determined. He is wearing jewellery. His chain could represent wealth and success. His success would lead to wealth which is how he is able to afford his chain. Also his music genre typically associates with chains. His hat is camouflage pattern which could indicate that he experienced struggle. Typographic- there is typewriter style font. The medieval font could make us question whether he survived a battle. 

Written/Verbal - The message on the poster seems to be positive. It most likely aims to inspire people and have confidence in yourself. He probably does this because he either came from a bad home or had bad  experiences, and wants to show no matter where you come from or what happens that you can achieve anything.

Narrative - the fingerprints beneath the writing offer us a narrative of a possible criminal background or gang violence.

2) Next, analyse a print advert of your choice using the same media codes: Technical, Written or verbal, Symbolic or non-verbal, NarrativeMake sure you add your chosen print advert using the 'Add image' button in blogger (use Google Images to find the advert first and save it to your pictures or downloads).

Technical: The image shows fear and desperation meaning that something bad is happening or going to happen. The lighting of the room is quite dull which could reflect the mood of the children. The chairs in the classroom are empty which could highlight that the reason its empty now is because the children that used to fill those seats have died as a result of the weapons. 

Written/Verbal: The message on the advert is very moving and aims to get there point across straight up. They say how they won't sell kinder eggs as it is now known to be potentially harmful to kids' health. The FDA in the US claim that food with non-nutritive objects embedded into it will not be sold on the market. This makes the people question why the government  feel so strongly about not selling these items even though it could be 'potentially' harmful whereas they haven't even talked about the idea of banning assault weapons as it is known to be one of the major safety risks for children in the USA where in most cases leads to death (school shootings, kids finding their parents guns). 

Symbolic: The facial expressions of the children show how they are almost emotionless and numb. By making the little girl hold the gun it portrays an image that no one would ever want to see. She shouldn't be holding a weapon she should be holding things appropriate for her age such as toys or kinder eggs. By making the little boy hold out his hands with the kinder egg in it could indicate that he is begging for what would essentially be the safer option however that isn't the case. Also, the message at top has been made with the intention for us to second guess ourselves. Typically, when answering that question we would say the gun but here that is not the case.

Narrative: The objects that the children are holding create this narrative that 


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