Part 1: Ofcom report into news consumption
1) Look at the headlines from the report on page 6. Pick three that you think are interesting and bullet point them here. Why did you pick those three in particular?
- Attitudes towards news generally remain consistent with 2020
- Social media is overtaking traditional channels for news among teens.
- Reach of print/online newspapers has seen a decrease from 2020 (47%) to 2022 (38%).
2) Look at the overall summary for adults on pages 7-8. What are the key points on newspapers?
2) Look at the overall summary for adults on pages 7-8. What are the key points on newspapers?
- While the reach of print newspapers is decreasing, online newspaper reach remains steady.
3) Look at the statistics on page 13. What do you notice about newspapers and how has it changed in recent years?
- The Daily Mail/Mail on Sunday remains the most widely-read print news title overall, whilst The Guardian/Observer and Daily Mail/Mail on Sunday are the most widely-read digital titles.
3) Look at the statistics on page 13. What do you notice about newspapers and how has it changed in recent years?
- The use of newspapers for news has been declining whereas on other platforms it has been increasing.
4) Now look at the age demographics for news consumption on page 16. What age demographic groups are most and least likely to read newspapers and what are the percentages?
4) Now look at the age demographics for news consumption on page 16. What age demographic groups are most and least likely to read newspapers and what are the percentages?
- People aged 75+ are most likely to read newspapers with a percentage of 59% compared to people aged 16-24 are less likely with a percentage of 30%.
5) Look at the newspaper-specific data on page 36. Which are the most popular newspaper titles?
5) Look at the newspaper-specific data on page 36. Which are the most popular newspaper titles?
- Daily Mail and The Sun.
6) Now look at the total newspaper reach of print and online on page 39. How has this decreased over the last three years?
6) Now look at the total newspaper reach of print and online on page 39. How has this decreased over the last three years?
- The use of print has slowly been decreasing whereas the use of online has remained steady.
Part 2: Factsheet - The death of print media
1) What has happened to print media in the last 30 years?
- Print media was one of the main sources of information for audiences.
2) Why is the Independent newspaper such a good case study for the decline in print media?
2) Why is the Independent newspaper such a good case study for the decline in print media?
- This is because The Independent is a newspaper that has recently ‘died’ (in the printed
form at least).
3) What was the Independent newspaper famous for?
- The Independent offered a fresh and non-aligned perspective. At the time of its launch, the Independent used the advertising slogan “It is. Are you?” which reflected the direct and challenging approach to contemporary splash headlines of the time.
4) What did the then-owner of the Independent, Evgeny Lebedev, say about the newspaper's digital-only future?
4) What did the then-owner of the Independent, Evgeny Lebedev, say about the newspaper's digital-only future?
- "They’re showing us that the future is digital. This decision preserves the Independent brand and allows us to continue to invest in the high quality editorial content that is attracting more and more readers to our online platforms.”
5) How do online newspapers make money?
5) How do online newspapers make money?
- Subscriptions, adverts, sponsorships
6) What did the Independent's longest-serving editor Simon Kelner warn regarding the switch to digital?
6) What did the Independent's longest-serving editor Simon Kelner warn regarding the switch to digital?
- He stated that "the originality in its design and the iconoclastic feel of the paper." would be hard to replicate if the newspaper went digital.
7) What is the concern with fake news? What does 'post-truth' refer to?
7) What is the concern with fake news? What does 'post-truth' refer to?
- The issues arise when some ‘news’ sites follow the codes and conventions of reputable sites, but their news content is ‘fake’ or not founded in truth, cannot be corroborated by other sources, or purport opinion as fact. These articles often play into social anxieties, political bias, and are visually designed to engage.
8) What is your view on the decline in print media? Should news be free? Is it a concern that established media brands such as the Independent can no longer afford to exist as a printed newspaper?
8) What is your view on the decline in print media? Should news be free? Is it a concern that established media brands such as the Independent can no longer afford to exist as a printed newspaper?
- I think it would be better if the Independent newspaper went digital as their old audience is aging out meaning print newspaper won't be purchased considering that is their preferred way to consume news. However the next and younger generation have adapted to the digital age where they consume media digitally making it better for Independent as thatis where they can find an audience.
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