WWW: There’s a lot of good work here already so now we just need to fill in any gaps and make sure we are fully completing work. I’d say some of your best work so far is the Reading an Image analysis – excellent deconstruction of the meanings in the 50 Cent RBK advert and the advert you’ve chosen is so powerful too. The challenge now is to get that quality and consistency across all of your work and ensure you are meeting deadlines and posting 100% complete tasks. 

EBI: Two key areas to improve here: firstly, some of your work is missing or unfinished. You’re actually missing the very first blog task – introductory 10 questions – which I really like to read to get to know people. The questions are on this blogpost so make sure you create the blogpost and answer them on your exam blog:

After that, you are missing the odd question in places. For Semiotics, you need to answer the two questions on English, the short film we watched in class. Here it’s all about you starting to form your own opinions on media texts and also applying theories to media products. Details on the original blogpost here:

For your Media Consumption Audit the big lesson is that you need to consume a wide variety of media texts if you want to aim for the top grades in this subject. That means adding news, film and radio/podcasts to your media diet. This is so important if you want to have an overview of media and culture which is crucial for Media Studies. 

Finally, for Reception theory (not actually due while I’m marking this but you’ve posted it already which is great) you are missing the oppositional reading. This is when the audience reject the message for some reason. So, for RBK it may be an audience angry that a sportswear brand is glorifying gang culture and crime. For the gun control advert, how would a Republican in America who strongly believes in the right to own guns feel about the advert? 

LR: Complete any missing or unfinished work. 


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